Many cultures see chicken soup as a nurturing food to help heal everything from the flu or a cold to restoring health post-partum. I see chicken soup as a collage that is endlessly changing each time I make it – lots of colors and options; have fun and experiment as you make it. The making is part of the healing. You can … Continue reading
Basic broth is a good starting point for healthy homemade soup or you can drink it just as broth for an energizing boost to your health and wellbeing. This is a time consuming labor of love but it mostly just cooks with no effort on the cook’s part except to look at it once in a while. An added bonus is the … Continue reading
I think it’s important to know why your (potential) acupuncturist does what they do for a living so here is my story. As I was progressing through my forties I started experiencing less than perfect health and mentally consigned this to “getting older”. I started exercising more and experimenting with supplements to improve this but pain from arthritis, other nagging … Continue reading
One of the things I love about my patients is that they are always teaching me things too; it’s a healthy exchange. A new patient today reminded me of something I learned years ago while a business consultant. It’s the power and simple beauty of being able to say as the “expert” that “I don’t know” in answer to a … Continue reading
It’s that time again…December. The child within us remembers the sense of magic we felt as children during the holidays and we so want to recreate that each year for our families and ourselves; it’s also not a bad distraction for those of us who aren’t winter lovers. So we add in a whole new level of expectations and obligations … Continue reading